Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

UX Designer. Daydreamer.

Nice to see you here! I'm Emme (em-ee) Enojado (ee-no-ha-dough), a Senior Experience Designer at Slalom Build, from Houston, TX and based in Boston, MA (yes, I swapped extreme heat for extreme cold). I have an affinity for bookstores, almond croissants, and script typefaces.

‍Here's my backstory: Ever since I was a child, I found joy in art and creativity, immersing myself in hobbies like drawing, writing, and drafting up cool inventions and architecture plans. However, I also had an innate curiosity for the world inside each of our heads: the human brain. I was - and still am - deeply interested in uncovering the scientific mysteries of the human brain, figuring out what drives us and what influences our actions and behaviors. Thus, I chose neuroscience & psychology when I entered BU, but felt that the creative side of me was missing its flame. During my sophomore year of college, I spontaneously signed up for an Adobe Creative Jam competition, introducing me to the world of UX Design. I quickly fell in love as it combined all that I was interested in: human behavior, design, business, and technology. Since then, I've self-learned prototyping tools and all that I could learn about UX.

I've been grateful with the opportunities I've had to grow my design, project management, and people skills. From shaping the design of a new product for clients to building Boston University's design community, there's so much I've learned and it only makes me eager to learn more!

Outside of the 9-5...

Runner + Fitness Enthusiast

I have a passion for embarking on athletic endeavors, from marathons to getting humbled at [solidcore].

Life goal: run all the World Marathon Majors!

Reader + Writer

I'm an avid reader, and I’ve also adored the art of writing since a young age. To practice writing again, I recently started a Substack called Emme's Journals, where I unearth artifacts from my childhood journals and write reflective essays & modern day musings on them.

Content Creator

I share snippets of design, life, and fashion on social media! I love cultivating community and sharing knowledge through these platforms, and am constantly inspired by the power of the digital world.

Accomplishments & activities

Design mentorship & outreach

Contribute to growing the design community as a corporate event organizer/sponsor and speaker for student design organizations. (Design mentors contributed to so much of my growth when I was just starting to learn about UX and the job hunt. I love giving back to share my learnings and help the future generation of designers - please reach out to me if you ever want to chat!)

Boston University FORGE Design Studios Panelist

April 2024

HexagonUX Houston Panelist

May 2023

Boston University Designathon Judge

March 2023

Rice University Designathon Judge

October 2022

Community building

Collaborate with colleagues to plan and host events to build the Slalom community

Slalom Build Houston Culture Committee

January 2022 - February 2024

HESS Houston Corporate 5k: Slalom Team Captain

October 2023


Coordinate volunteering events to reach the Houston & Boston communities, such as with the Houston Food Bank, community gardens, and underserved school districts. With the Slalom Houston Partners 4 Good team, we collaborated with Dress for Success Houston (a non-profit dedicated to empowering women to achieve career and financial success), to host professional development workshops in 2023.

Girls on the Run Boston 5k Volunteer

June 2024

Texas MS150 Cyclist & Fundraiser

April 2023

Dress for Success Houston Workshop Speaker


Houston Food Bank Volunteer


Let’s stay in touch!